Thursday, August 5, 2010

15 Months! Really?!?

My little girl is 15 months old. I can't believe it. At the same time I cannot believe in two days, I will turn 30! Yes, 3-0... I am okay with it, really I am. But, I will say I feel that while I have debated with "Is it still okay to wear a bikini?" and even strapless tops or fitted jeans in the past, I feel that this is it. This is the age that it is not okay... Anyway... back to my daughter.

She is the most amazing little thing. I am shocked daily at what she is doing and how she really understands everything I tell her to do or say to her. She repeats what we say, some things very plainly, and others just the same amount of syllables or sounds come out. She knows all of her animal sounds (dog, cat, sheep, cow, duck, pig, rooster, monkey, elephant, bird and some more that I can't think of). She is learning colors and songs. She LOVES "Itsy bitsy, spider" and "Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes." Her favorite hand motion is rain. It is so cute. Oh and I cannot forget "Ring around the Rosey." She really just likes to make herself dizzy. Eva loves her veggies and pasta. She is a plain-jane girl. She doesn't like sauces or dips, I love them. She also has quite the sense of humor. She will be watching a little cartoon or sometimes iCarly on tv and giggle at the jokes that are played on people or characters. She also likes to sneak up on people, say "SHHH" and "scare" them. She gets so tickled and just does it over and over and over again... Just this morning she was readin the paper.... well, not really but she loved saying sounds and pointing and acting like her daddy. I didn't get a picture but it was classic. She does still love her books and she is constantly trying to read and do her little actions for the different pages. Miss Independent is her name. Definitely my child by the way. If you try to do something she would prefer to do herself, you will know. She is the perfect Momma to her babies, rocking, patting, feeding and singing to them. If I leave a baby and some stuffed animals in her bed, she will heap them all up and snuggle with them, then when she wakes up, she talks and sings to them for hours.
All said, I have loved these past two months at home with her and we are both in for it when she has to go to school next week, and so do I! I almost cry just thinking about it. I feel at times that Eva is still a baby, and then the next minute I am amazed at how grown up she is. Ah, I guess this is the rest of my life!
I love you baby girl... Some more of her favorite things are below.

Drivin with Poppa on the boat

My serious face
Stinky Lucy balls do not scare me!

My camera smile! Aint I cute!


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