couple of days late, and she LOVES it!

Our Christmas holiday schedule was pretty good. We had a family Christmas dinner at my house on the 21st with my dad's side of the family. Don't be deceived, I did not cook. My mom brought everything. I am very lucky! Unfortunately, my grandmother couldn't be here this year and is not doing well at all. Prayers for her to have peace would be wonderful. My nieces brought Eva a huge Disney Princess
dress up case with jewelry and outfits. They are pulled out every single day multiple times, but right now we really only put on the Cinderella costume. Thank you Kayla, Karmen and Cole!

We left on the 23rd to go to my parent's house at the lake to do dinner with them and my brother all together and so they could have some time with her to open a few presents from them alone. She loved her Bitty Baby doll that Mom got her with all of the accessories, which is really what she likes the most about most things... not at all like I was as a child...aka the Trinket Queen. Her Uncle Cullen got her the funniest riding toy. it is a green inch worm that moves when you bounce on it.
Actually really cute. We had an awesome dinner that my Mom always cooks, again and then a late night with Eva. The next morning Mom cooked breakfast, mainly so Eva could have some bacon, her favorite. We ended up heading back to get home
in time for Church.
Our church does two traditional Christmas Eve Services, but they have a children's program too that is so sweet and special for the kids. The kids all get to go in and pick out a costume from an angel, manger animal, Shepard, king, Mary or Joseph and take part in a reading of the Christmas story. We sing songs as the story moves along and then all go outside to put the baby Jesus in the manger. Eva liked the songs and her costume, but once she got up front for her part in the story, sort of freaked out. I had to pick her up and watch the rest. Then, we went to a come
and go personal communion before heading home.
Eva went to bed after attempting to help make sugar cookies with Royal icing for Santa and the reindeer. Since I was in a big hurry as it was getting late, we didn't get the icing just right, but they turned out okay.
I only have pics of the half eaten ones that Santa got after Eva put them out by the fireplace. She went to bed quite well, but woke a couple of times in the night for me to come to her and her to tell me, "Santa coming to my house?" "Yes, baby girl. He is going to come but we have to go to sleep." It was obviously on her mind. The next morning, she was still asleep at 7:30 which we were surprised about. This is what happened in pictures.

Next, at about 10:30 we headed out to Grant's parent's house and his MeMaw's for lunch and cousin present swaps. We only gifts for grand babies now because there are FAR too many cousins. Eva ended up with WAY too many gifts, but all of them she loved. (Secretly, I have put up a few for later days when we need something "new" to get through the day. My mom used to this for me and my brother as well.)Here is Eva at her Mimi and PawPaw's house getting gifts from them and her three aunts and uncle.