This is almost too surreal to write. My little girl is nine months old. She is the light of my life. Literally, I do not think I have smiled or laughed as much in my life as I have the past nine months.
(don't you just want to eat me up?!)
Eva is into everything. She has been crawling for a couple of months, but now she is walking around the furniture and standing up on all her toys. If she is able to climb on something, she will be up and over in a split second. While I love her curiosity and learning new things, the mobility is a nightmare. We have to be constantly with her and ready to catch her if she loses balance. On that note, if she has her mind on something, she will pitch a fit if she does not get it. Eva will have certain spurts where she doesn't want you to put her down or leave her in a room for a second. While we did not go through a serious attachment phase, we may be getting there now, however she loves her daycare and being there with her friends everyday. She is clearly reaching for people and saying "dada" and maybe "mamamama." Oh I melt no matter whether it really is me or not!
(waiting for tubes)
(In the really fun car at Children's before tubes)
Eva got tubes this past week. On February 4th to be exact at 7:11 am, one day before she was 9 months old. We had a series of five ear infections over the past four months and had very infected ears dispite two weeks of antibiotics prior to the surgery. Now, I know it is very common, and the procedure only takes five minutes to perform, but this was the first time my little girl was taken from me by complete strangers, minus Dr. Shirley, put to sleep by gas, and I was scared to death. I mean the chance of anything going wrong is VERY slim, but I couldn't help it. I was completely powerless, and not with her. She came back to our room in less than thirty minutes and was a happy baby, but I hope we do not have to do it again. I know several people who have had to get tubes more than once. No thank you. Later that afternoon, she got sick and threw up once be we thought it would be the anesthesia. Then, the next day, she got sick twice (once all over her wonderful white rocking chair, totally my fault for buying it, but still). I was worried and called Dr. McCain; she mistakingly gave me her cell phone number because I work with her husband. Dr. McCain told us that it most likely was not related her tubes and to try to just give her clear liquids for the next 12 hours, watch her wet diapers and see if she kept it dow. Luckily she has, but I still worry that something could be wrong.
(so, gross, I know, but I had to share. Yes, the projectile!)
The cutest baby girl in the whole wide world!
Lastly, we had her 9 month pictures today, and while I thought they would be a disaster because of her sickness, but she was a trooper. Until the last few minutes we got precious pictures. We went to the arboretum at the Botanical Gardens. It was heated and rustic. I will post and comment on those when I get them from Catherine Mayo. She is fabulous, and gives you 50 pictures on CD to do whatever you want with!
Love all the pictures!! Cutest little thing ever! Give her a kiss for me. Hope she feels better soon!
I didn't know she had to get tubes. Poor girl.
Had no idea she had to get tubes! I hope it helps. I can't believe we haven't seen y'all lately...we have GOT to get those 2 little munchkins together soon so they can fall in love early...ha! About the girls weekend...I definitely want to bring Ryder by at some point..might leave him with my mom when we go to dinner though (just so I can actually enjoy it).
Kris - I can't believe how much she has changed since I saw her in November. First, the hair! It's gotten so long! I love the shower pics with her little updo's! Haha! Second, tubes!!! Oh, my! I had no idea - you must have been busy, busy the last few months with all the ear infections you poor thing! Third, the projectile pic is AMAZING! I love it when ppl put up "true life" baby I sit writing this I am wearing a nursing shirt that literally smells like breastmilk....ahhh, motherhood! Wouldn't trade it for anything, though! Ya'll are precious! Can't wait to see you later this month!
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